Strength2Food partner, KONZUM recently launched a marketing campaign to increase families’ fruit and vegetable consumption. Shoppers could collect stickers for spending in KONZUM grocery stores and by buying specific fruit and vegetables. Collected stickers could be exchanged for Zdravoljupci (healthy healer) soft toys, such as Banana Bela and Branko Broccoli. Alongside the toys, shoppers could buy an accompanying booklet with educational and entertainment features. Online materials include recipes and educational resources.

As part of the campaign sales of stickered fruit and vegetables increased by 10-15% and more than 300,000 customers participated with over 570,000 “healthy healer” soft toys collected. The campaign has been a hit particularly with young children, with the Zdravoljupci video watched more than 3.7 million times on YouTube. During the campaign, Zdravoljupci was the most searched term on KONZUM’s YouTube channel.

As part of Strength2Food WP9, KONZUM are working with researchers at the Universities of Zagreb, Newcastle and Belgrade to promote healthy food consumption and sales of local produce.

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