Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB)

The SAB is an external high-level body of experts, composed of both research and industry representatives, whose role is to participate in the discussion and help guide the strategic direction of the project.

Specifically, the SAB will:

  1. Advise the project on changes in societal, policy and consumer priorities that may impact on the project’s objectives and expected impacts;
  2. Act as a sounding board regarding how the impact of the project can be maximised and the implementation of ethical matters;
  3. Propose changes to the direction of the project in line with stakeholder and end‐user priorities for maximising the exploitation and benefits of the project;
  4. Review progress of the project annually;
  5. Support the dissemination of the project’s results in their respective institutions and organisations.


Sabine Edelli
Sabine EdelliINAO, France
Agricultural and environment engineer – member of the INAO’s economy network and of the international cooperation network.
Giulia Scaglioni
Giulia ScaglioniAREPO, France
Policy Officer of AREPO and delegate to represent AREPO at the European level.
Stefano Longo
Stefano LongoEDUCatt, Italy
Hotel/Restaurant/Café (HoReCa) quality assurance specialist.
John White
John WhitePlymouth University, UK
Professor and Ethical advisor. Experienced agri-food research project manager (EU, World Bank, FAO), Member of Market Research Society.
Astrid Dahl
Astrid DahlMunicipality of Copenhagen, Denmark
Administration and project management around food and meals for children and young people in Copenhagen.
Jerry Barnes
Jerry BarnesUNEW, UK
Professor of Environmental Biology
Moya Kneafsey
Moya KneafseyCoventry University, UK
Professor of Food and Local Development/Human Geography; specialist in short food supply chains.
Emilie Vandecandelaere
Emilie VandecandelaereFAO, international
Food system Officer at the Nutrition and Food System Division of FAO; specialist in market linkages, voluntary standards, and geographical indications.
Ana Marušić Lisac
Ana Marušić LisacBiotechnicon, Croatia
Expert on product certification of geographical indications (PDO/PGI) and organic (BIO, ECO) production, expert on regional branding.